Present-day Hite, Utah, is on the east bank of Lake Powel in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area of southeastern Utah (Fig. 1F). It is in T.33 S., R. 14 E., on the Browns Rim 15-minute Quadrangle, San Juan County, Utah. Hite Crossing bridge over the Colorado River extension of Lake Powell ( Fig. 2)is about 75 mi (120 km) west of Blanding, Utah, and 48 mi (77km) southeast of Hanksville, Utah, along Utah 95. The present site of Hite, relocated when Lake Powell flooded the Colorado River canyons, is at about 3,960 ft (1,200 m) near the mouths of White Canyon, entering the Colorado River from the southeast, and the Dirty Devil River and North Wash, entering from the northwest. Access is best shown on the Hite Crossing 1:100,000 map. The area is readily accessible via Utah 95 and is entirely on public lands, either Glen Canyon National Recreation Area or Bureau of Land Management administered lands.