Tunnels are among the most expensive of engineering structures. They can, and often do, present great difficulties in design and construction. For several decades the techniques used in tunneling have lagged behind those used in other fields of engineering. An engineer, for example, can design a bridge so that it will adequately and economically fulfill its proper function. The design and construction of underground openings commonly is a far different situation. The stresses surrounding a planned underground opening are generally unknown quantities, as are the nature and behavior of the rock mass itself. Therefore, judgment and trial and error prevail; design, in its true sense, becomes impossible; and safety factors can be uneconomically large or dangerously small. Geological factors exert a decisive influence on the difficulties and costs of tunnel construction. Tunnel hazards unanticipated sources of expense and delay are caused largely by the divergence of structural details of a given rock mass from the statistical average for similar rock masses. This variation in rock structure results in erratic tunneling costs; the cost of a tunnel may be considerably higher than the average cost of similar tunnels constructed in similar bodies of rock. A competent experienced geologist usually can predict the kinds of difficulties that would be encountered in different parts of a proposed tunnel, but he seldom can quantitatively evaluate the difficulties. On such a basis, preliminary estimates for materials and equipment for constructing a tunnel commonly involve considerable guesswork. This guesswork usually results in the procurement of unnecessary supplies to offset the possibility effacing an emergency with inadequate provisions. The present (1972) state of tunnel art combines experience and intuition with theoretical and practical principles to design and construct underground openings. We believe that in the future the fullest use of rock-mass information, together with improved theory, will result in greater economy, safety, and confidence in tunnel construction. It is toward this goal that the present report is directed. The Straight Creek Tunnel is about 55 miles west of Denver. The proximity of this tunnel to the research center of the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver offered an unusual opportunity to utilize the personnel and facilities of the Survey on the problems of defining the environment of the proposed tunnel. The authors were able to consult with, and have the services of, experts in nearly every field of geology. As a result, research investigations in the tunnel area were conducted by many survey personnel. The investigations performed in conjunction with the basic geologic investigations, such as geophysical and groundwater research, are described in separate chapters by those who directed the research. At the dedication of the first of the twin bores on March 8, 1973, the Colorado Division of Highways, in accordance with a resolution passed by the General Assembly of Colorado, officially named th...