The Caliente-Enterprise zone trends generally east-northeast for more than 220 km, disrupting the north-south structural grain of the Basin and Range province of the United States. It provides an excellent example of the evolving geometry, longitudinal growth, and structural-magmatic complexity of a large, long-lived (>30 Ma) transverse structural zone that persisted through multiple episodes of extension in a region of high extensional strain. The Caliente-Enterprise zone can be divided into three parts: The eastern part follows an east-west-trending segment of the Colorado Plateau margin, the central part coincides with the Caliente caldera complex, and the western part is formed by transfer faults of the Pahranagat fault zone.The earliest Cenozoic activity along the Caliente-Enterprise zone was in early Oligocene time, when the central and eastern parts formed the southern boundary of an extensional belt of that age. Within this belt, significant upper crustal disruption and west tilting of miogeoclinal strata occurred above the Stampede detachment, between the Seaman Range breakaway on the west and the Condor Canyon area on the east. Minor upper crustal extension may have persisted as far east as the present High Plateaus transition zone. The exact geometry of the Caliente-Enterprise zone during this event is unknown, but it was a tilt-domain boundary between west-tilted, normal-faulted rocks to the north and the unextended thrust belt to the south.Following cessation of slip on the Stampede detachment and related faults, an east-west-trending, south-migrating magmatic arc arrived at the Caliente-Enterprise zone and stalled there for >10 m.y., forming the Caliente caldera complex, shallow plutons farther east, and the Marysvale volcanic complex at its east end. Unextended crust south of the Caliente-Enterprise zone may have inhibited further southward migration of the magmatic arc.The east and central parts were reutilized in mid-Miocene time. The westdirected Highland detachment formed to the north during late eruptive activity (after ca. 18 Ma) in the Caliente caldera complex. The area south of the Caliente-Enterprise zone began to extend on the Mormon Peak-Tule Springs-Castle Cliff detachment system at about the same time, but that system probably outlived the Highland detachment and is largely responsible for the modern physiography south of the central Caliente-Enterprise zone. Volcanic strata above these detachments were tilted east on both sides of the Caliente-Enterprise zone, suggesting that it acted as a transfer zone in this time step. In contrast, the modern basin and range topography north of the Caliente-Enterprise zone formed in late Miocene-Quaternary time along west-dipping Axen, G. J., fault systems younger than the Highland detachment. The Pahranagat fault zone formed on the west, lengthening the Caliente-Enterprise zone by ~40-50 km and transferring late Miocene-Quaternary extension from Dry Lake-Delamar Valley to the southwest. Meadow Valley, north of the central Caliente-Enterprise zone,...