“…The following geologic maps ~and reports have ibeen pu 1 blished recently of the ~areas that surround the present mapped area: The Canyon Ferry .quadrangle Ito the north mapped by Mertie, Fischer, and Hobbs (1951), the Elkih.orn MountJains to the west mapped by Klepper, Weeks, and Ruppel (1957), Smedes (1966), and Kno.pf (1963), the Three Forks quad! 'langle to the south mapped lby Robinson (1963), ~and the Townsend VraHey to the east mapped by Freeman, Ruppel, ~and , Lorenz and McMurtrey (1956), and Nelson ( 1963) . The ore deposits of the nor.th pant of the Pa:rk mining district have recently Jbeen discussed by Schell ( 1963) , and those of the Winston mining district, by Earll (1964).…”