From the development of the test concept in lanuarv 1978 to the writing of this final report, the Spent Fuel Test-Climax (SFT-C) has spanned 8 years and invoked hundreds of scientists, engineers, and craftsmen in many organizations. During that time, those of us associated with the project had the plea sure i f witnessing the successful achievement of all the engineering and scientific objectives of the test. Perha ns more importantly, we saw an increased public awareness of the need for nuclear energy and for a means of safely and reliably disposing of the associated wastes. Some 10,000 people from all walks of life throughout the U.S. and 22 foreign countries visited the test facility. Most went a way with a more objective view of nuclear waste disposal than when thev arrived.Because the SFT-C was officially completed in FY 1985 and only very limited funding remains to fin ish up the remaining reports, it was not possible to assemble a complete team to write this report. Instead, it was assembled and edited by one person, but builds heavily on the FY 19S3 project interim report in several technical areas. Although the responsibility for the material presented here rests with the author, Most of the scientists and engineers who worked on the SFT-C have published formal reports and journal articles, providing a lasting record of their efforts. However, many others filled roles vital to the success of the project, but that did not lend themselves to public documentation. Although it is not possi ble to properly acknowledge the contributions of each of these participants, those individuals and organi zations whose efforts were keys to the success of the project are recognized here.The Facility engineering and construction were the responsibility of Holmes and Narver (general architect and engineering), Fenix and Scisson (architect and engineering services for mining and drilling), and Rey nolds Electrical and Engineering Company (REECo) (construccion). Special acknowledgment is extended to the late G.W. Adair, who served as superintendent throughout the construction and during the early storage phase, and to the REECo crew who provided continuous subsurface access and experimental sup port far beyond the normal requirements. Members of this crew included (at various times): L. Ala, J. Campbell, L. Cheney, D. Daffer, G. Frye, C. Halstead, and G. Medina. Appreciation is also extended to H. Allen, T. Clapp, D. Hansen, R. Murphy, and W. Smyth who provided special drilling support for stress measurements and geological characterization.Spent fuel encapsulation was accomplished at the engine maintenance, assembly, and disassembly (EMAD) facility with a highly skilled Westinghouse team managed by D.C. Durrill. T. Cross was the project engineer with key responsibility for all hardware provided by Westinghouse. The accomplishments of his team were essential in preparing nuclear waste for emplacement less than two years from the date of au thorization of the SFT-C. C. Balmgren coordinated and was the principal contributor t...