A series ofderivatives for both the arthropod and mollusc hemocyanin biopolymers has been prepared; the derivatives contain a small fraction ofelectron paramagnetic resonancedetectable half-met [Cu(fl) Cu(I)] sites dispersed among the nondetectable oxy binuclear copper active sites. Upon deoxygenation, large changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance signal of these half-met spectral probe derivatives are observed, which are further adjusted by the heterotropic effectors Ca2+ and HW. The active site structural changes indicated by these spectral changes as the hemocyanins go from a relaxed to a tensed quaternary structure are then discussed.Hemocyanins, the oxygen transport proteins in the hemolymph of molluscs and arthropods, reversibly bind dioxygen with a stoichiometry ofone dioxygen per two copper ions. Under physiological conditions, the hemocyanins are present as highly aggregated biopolymers with a molecular architecture that differs dramatically between the two phyla. For the arthropods, a single subunit has a molecular weight of "'70,000 and contains one binuclear copper active site. At pH values below 8 and in the presence of Ca2+, these subunits aggregate into one, two, four, and in the case of Limulus polyphemus, up to eight hexamers.Alternatively, the smallest subunit in the molluscs contains about eight binuclear copper active sites (domains) covalently linked in a single polypeptide chain of "'400,000 daltons. In the mollusc Busycon canaliculatum, at pH less than 8, twenty chains aggregate to form a whole molecule that contains 160 active sites and appears as a cylindrical barrel under the electron microscope. When aggregated, the hemocyanins are highly cooperative in their oxygen binding, with Hill coefficients dependent on species, pH, and the presence of divalent cations (1,2).In general, current thermodynamic and kinetic theories of oxygen binding to the hemocyanins parallel [with small modifications (3, 4)] the allosteric model of hemoglobin. Deoxyhemocyanin has a "tensed" quaternary structure with a low oxygen affinity. Initial binding of oxygen to a limited number of active sites alters the successive oxygen affinities ofthe remaining sites by a ligand-induced conformational change of the protein (5) (i.e., oxygen is a homotropic effector); this results in the oxyhemocyanin having a "relaxed" quaternary structure with a high oxygen affinity. Protons and divalent cations act as heterotropic effectors, which, depending upon the species, stabilize either the tensed or relaxed quaternary structure.For hemoglobin, through both protein crystallography (6) and the detailed study of iron prophyrin model complexes (7), significant advances have been made in the development of a structural model that accounts for the active site changes related to these changes in oxygen affinity. Two basic spectroscopic approaches have been taken to relate this mechanical model to the hemoglobin tetramer. One approach involves the preparation of valence hybrids in which either the a or the (3 chains con...