The following question was proposed by Nenadov and Pehova and reiterated by Knierim and Su: Given integers , r and n with n ∈ rN, is it true that every n-vertex graph G with δ(G) ≥ max{ 1 2 , r− r }n + o(n) and α (G) = o(n) contains a K r -factor? We give a negative answer for the case when ≥ 3r 4 by giving a family of constructions using the so-called cover thresholds and show that the minimum degree condition given by our construction is asymptotically best possible. That is, for all integers r, with r > ≥ 3 4 r and µ > 0, there exist α > 0 and N such that for every n ∈ rN with n > N , every n-vertex graph G with δ(G) ≥ 1 2− (r−1) + µ n and α (G) ≤ αn contains a K r -factor. Here (r − 1) is the Ramsey-Turán density for K r−1 under the -independence number condition.