“…Therefore, starting with a normalized vector lying on the unit sphere S(H), equation (1.3) defines an immersion of V into S(H) which is, again, injective. However, it is worth noticing that even though V is a vector space, the immersion does not respect linearity, i.e., ψ v 1 + ψ v 2 = ψ v 1 +v 2 in general, and i(V) is not a linear subspace of H. In summary, generalized coherent states allow us to define injective maps from a given set to the Hilbert space H associated with a quantum system, every point of the set labelling a given vector in H. This is the main property we will exploit in the first part of the paper in order to study how to induce one parameter groups of transformations on subsets of states starting from unitary maps on H. Using coherent states it is possible to interpret these induced maps as classical-like dynamics in the framework of classical-to quantum transition (see [2,3,4]). However, it is worth stressing that the following discussion can be extended to submanifolds which do not possess classical-like properties, representing, therefore, generic constraints.…”