A conjecture was stated in Hussain et al. (Gen Relativ Grav 41:2399, 2009, that the conformal Killing vectors form a subalgebra of the symmetries of the Lagrangian that minimizes arc length, for any spacetime. Here, a counter example is constructed to demonstrate that the above statement is not true in general for spacetimes of non-zero curvature.There is a connection between isometries or Killing vectors (KVs) and symmetries of the geodesic equations (Euler-Lagrange equations) of the underlying spaces [2]. Further KVs always form a subalgebra of conformal Killing vectors (CKVs), homothetic vectors (HVs) and curvature collineations (CCs) etc of spacetimes (for detail see [3]). It is also known that the set of Noether symmetries always contained in the set of symmetries of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations [4]. This suggests that to know how the Noether symmetries are related with the spacetime symmetries, e.g. CKVs, HVs, etc.The Minkowski spacetime, which is flat and hence conformally flat, admits 15 CKVs [5]. A Lagrangian for the geodesic equations for this spacetime admits 17 Noether symmetries [1]. These 15 CKVs form a proper subalgebra of the 17 Noether