“…First, we show that Z(λ) can be constructed in O(min{nm log n, T MST (2n, n)· b(m, n)}) time, where T MST (m, n) is the time to compute a minimum spanning tree and b(m, n) is the worst-case number of breakpoints of Z(λ). It is known that b(m, n) = O(m √ n) [Gus80,KaIb83] and b(m, n) = Ω(mα(n)) [Epp95], and that T MST (m, n) = O(m log β(m, n)) [GGST86] (here β(m, n) = min{i : log (i) n ≤ m/n}) 1 . Our algorithm improves on the Eisner-Severance method [EiSe76], which, when applied to parametric minimum spanning trees, takes O(T MST (m, n) · b(m, n)) time.…”