In this paper, we consider an expanding flow of smooth, closed, uniformly convex hypersurfaces in Euclidean R n+1 with speed u α σ β k firstly, where u is support function of the hypersurface, α, β ∈ R 1 , and β > 0, σ k is the k-th symmetric polynomial of the principle curvature radii of the hypersurface, k is an integer and 1 ≤ k ≤ n. For α ≤ 1 − kβ, β > 1 k we prove that the flow has a unique smooth and uniformly convex solution for all time, and converges smoothly after normalisation, to a sphere centered at the origin. Moreover, for α ≤ 1 − kβ, β > 1 k , we prove that the flow with the speed f u α σ β k exists for all time and converges smoothly after normalisation to a soliton which is a solution of f u α−1 σ β k = c provided that f is a smooth positive function on S n and satisfies that (∇ i ∇ j f 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35K96, 53C44.