Quantum mechanics can produce correlations that are stronger than classically allowed. This stronger-thanclassical correlation is the "fuel" for quantum computing. In 1991 Schumacher forwarded a beautiful geometric approach, analogous to the well-known result of Bell, to capture non-classicality of this correlation for a singlet state. He used well-established information distance defined on an ensemble of identically-prepared states. He calculated that for certain detector settings used to measure the entangled state, the resulting geometry violated a triangle inequality -a violation that is not possible classically. This provided a novel information-based geometric Bell inequality in terms of a "covariance distance." Here we experimentallyreproduce his construction and demonstrate a definitive violation for a Bell state of two photons based on the usual spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a paired BBO crystal. The state we produced had a visibility of V ad = 0.970. We discuss generalizations to higher dimensional multipartite quantum states.