Two classes of observables defined on the phase space of a particle are quantized, and the effects of the Yang-Mills field are discussed in the context of geometric quantization.PACS: 03.65.Bz, 02.40.Vh Short title: Particle in background Yang-Mills field. Let Q be a Riemannian manifold considered as the configuration space of a particle, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the quantization of the observables on the phase space T * Q of this particle when it is moving under the influence of a background Yang-Mills field, the Yang-Mills potential is a connection α on a principal bundle N over Q.The free G−action on N can be lifted to a Hamiltonian G−action on T * N with an equivariant moment map J : T * N → g * . Let µ ∈ g * , and denote by O µ the coadjoint orbit through µ. Then J −1 (O µ )/G has a canonical symplectic structure given by the Marsden-Weinstein reduction [1]. This reduced phase space is the appropriate phase space of a particle in a background Yang-Mills field α of charge µ [2].We will denote by Q(X) the quantization of the phase space X, suppressing in our notation the choices of polarizations and pre-quantization line bundles etc, via the standard procedure of geometric quantization [3,4]. Suppose we choose the vertical polarization on T * N so that the quantization Q(T * N ) of T * N gives L 2 (N ). Moreover, suppose the co-adjoint orbit O µ is integral, so that the quantization of this coadjoint orbit gives a irreducible representation space H µ of G [5] [6]. A theorem of Guillemin-Sternberg [7] (see also [8]) then suggests that the quantization ofAnd this result holds independent of whether there is a Yang-Mills field present in the backgroud. Thus when some technical assumptions are made so that the procedure of geometric quantization can be carried out smoothly, the Yang-Mills field plays no role in the quantization of the phase spaceWe will discuss the effect of the Yang-Mills field in quantizing observables that are lifted from functions on T * Q. We will show that the resulting quantum operators are expressed in terms of the covariant derivatives, which is defined by the connection α. In particular, we will show that the quantum operators for f of the form