Abstract. We compute the dimension of the space of theta functions of a given type using a variant of the Selberg trace formula.
Main ResultTheta functions play an important role in the theory of abelian varieties; for instance, theta functions are used to construct meromorphic functions on a multidimensional torus and to embed a multidimensional torus into projective space (see, for instance, [8] We imitate Eichler and Selberg in constructing an automorphic reproducing kernel for theta functions by averaging the Bergman kernel function on the Fock space, and we recover Frobenius' dimension formula by computing the trace of this reproducing kernel.Let Λ be a lattice in C n (i.e., Λ is a Z-module of dimension 2n). A theta function of (L, M ) type on C n with respect to Λ is a meromorphic function, not identically