Persistently degassing volcanoes are the most active sub-aerial volcanoes around the world. Their activity consists of passive degassing periods interspersed by eruptions every few months or years. I present three new physics-based studies that unravel the underlying dynamics of these volcanoes. First, I calculate the pressure changes induced by the gas release during quiescence. A key finding is that magma reservoirs can depressurize several MPa within the inter-eruptive timescales, which suggests that passive degassing can induce unrest episodes and eruptions. Second, I develop a method to monitor the high-frequency water vapor emissions using light scattering theory and analysis of digital images. I show that degassing of Erebus and Mayon volcanoes emerges as a fractal phenomenon. Third, I simulate the bubble dynamics of volcanic conduits to investigate the processes leading to phreatic eruptions. I found that they can be preceded by amplitude and frequency shifts in the gas emission time series. These studies give new insights on the dynamics of persistently degassing volcanoes, and help to improve the monitoring and interpretation of degassing time series. Table 1. Mean inter-eruptive time of persistently degassing volcanoes. Volcano* Mean inter-eruptive time since 1900(months) Number of intereruptive times Oshima 25 27 Bromo 45 24 Aso 12 46 Slamet 32 20 Poás 18 24 Telica 29 23 Merapi 30 17 Langila 11 18 Kilauea 18 28 Manam 18 13 White island 17 12 Láscar 18 14 Llaima 29 16 Tangkubanparahu 94 11 Asama 21 36 San Cristóbal 13 13 Etna 8 35 Fuego 41 16 Ulawun 21 22-6-Improving eruption forecasting requires unveiling the volcanic processes occurring during quiescent degassing and unrest episodes, for which monitoring of the amount, composition, and style of the gas emissions is fundamental [e.g., Symonds et al., 1994; Aiuppa et al., 2007]. Tracking the gas emissions can be performed nowadays in real-time by using remote-sensing techniques. For example, SO 2 fluxes can be routinely measured in real-time from remote distances by using ultraviolet cameras [e.g., Tamburello et al., 2013], or by determining the absorption of the ultraviolet radiation by the gas plume with instruments like DOAS (differential optical absorption spectrometers) [e.g., Oppenheimer and Kyle, 2008]. The ratios between SO 2 and other gases can be also measured by using systems like OP-FTIR (open-path Fourier transform infrared spectrometry) or Multi-GAS, even though their use is limited to easily accessible volcanoes where the instruments can be placed at the proximities of the crater vent [e.g., Burton et al., 2000; Shinohara, 2005]. The application of these real-time remote-sensing techniques reveals for example that persistently degassing volcanoes emit several thousand tonnes of gas per day, mainly H 2 O (~ 50-90 wt%), CO 2 (~ 20-50 wt%) and SO 2