A method for simulation of differential (spatially varying) track settlement in a ballasted railway track is presented. It employs a cycle domain constitutive model to determine accumulated plastic (permanent) deformation of the granular layers supporting the track. The constitutive model is adopted for both the ballast and the sub-ballast but with different parameter sets. The proposed framework can be used to predict differential track settlement accounting for heterogeneous (space-variant) track characteristics and loading conditions. Here, it is demonstrated for three-dimensional continuum modelling of a railway crossing panel subjected to a large number of axle passages. Because of the design of the crossing panel and the transient character of the impact loads on the crossing, the load transferred into the track bed is not uniform along the track, and the resulting differential settlement leads to vertical irregularities in track geometry. The spatial variation of track settlement is calculated both along the sleepers and along the rails. The influences of the number of adjacent sleepers accounted for in the model and the stiffness of the subgrade on the predicted settlement at the crossing are studied. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODELLING OF DIFFERENTIAL RAILWAY TRACK SETTLEMENT 1759 construction activities, leading to differential settlement and structural damage of adjacent buildings was investigated in [6].Railway crossings are particularly prone to differential track settlement because of the design of the crossing panel and the character of the impact loads induced by the transfer of wheels from wing rail to crossing nose [7,8]. Poor quality in track geometry induces high magnitudes of dynamic wheel-rail contact forces and increases the degradation rate resulting in increased damage of the rails, and further track settlement; see Figure 1. This contributes to traffic disturbances and high life cycle costs of railway turnouts [9]. Hence, it is important to establish a simulation tool that can account for the transient dynamic wheel-rail contact forces and the spatially varying properties of the track superstructure and substructure.Recently, a method was proposed to predict the accumulated track settlement in a railway crossing for a given traffic situation using an iterative and cross-disciplinary procedure [10]. After calculating the sleeper ballast contact pressure, the procedure employed an empirical model [11] for calculating settlement with respect to a given vertical load threshold. It was concluded that a refined model for settlement prediction was needed.A number of alternative empirical models of track settlement can be found in the literature [12][13][14]. These mathematical formulations have been tuned to fit their particular in-situ data and do not account for the multiaxial stress-strain condition in the layered track substructure or the interaction between different regions of the granular material [15].To increase understanding of long-term settlement in generic configurations of ballasted track...