We report on microwave operation of top-gated single carbon nanotube transistors. From transmission measurements in the 0.1-1.6 GHz range we deduce device transconductance gm and gatenanotube capacitance Cg of micro-and nanometric devices. A large and frequency-independent gm ∼ 20 µS is observed on short devices which meets best dc results. The capacitance per unit gate length ∼ 60 aF/µm is typical of top gates on conventional oxide with ǫ ∼ 10. This value is a factor 3-5 below the nanotube quantum capacitance which, according to recent simulations, favors high transit frequencies fT = gm/2πCg. For our smallest devices, we find a large fT ∼ 50 GHz with no evidence of saturation in length dependence.
PACS numbers:Carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNT-FETs) are very attractive as ultimate, quantum limited devices. In particular, ballistic transistors have been predicted to operate in the the sub-THz range [1,2]. Experimentally, a state-of-the-art cut-off frequency of 30 GHz has been reached in a low impedance multi-nanotube device [3], whereas 8 GHz was achieved with a multigate single nanotube transistor [4]. Indirect evidence of microwave operation were also obtained in experiments based on mixing effects or channel conductance measurement in single nanotubes [5,6,7,8,9].The extraordinary performances of nanotubes as molecular field effect transistors rely on a series of unique properties. High-mobility "p-doped" single walled nanotubes can be obtained by CVD-growth, with a semiconducting gap ∆ ∼ 0.5-1 eV (diameter 1-2 nm) [10]. Low Schottky-barrier contacts, with Pd metallisation, and quasi-ballistic transport result in a channel resistance R ds approaching the quantum limit, h/4e 2 = 6.5 kΩ for a 4-mode single walled nanotube [11]. High saturation currents, limited by optical phonon emission, allow large biases, I ds ∼ 20 µA at V ds 1 V in short nanotubes [12,13]. The above numbers and the good gate coupling explain the large transconductances, g m ∼ I ds /∆ 10 µS, observed in dc experiments [1]. In the ac, an intrinsic limitation is given by the transit frequency f T = g m /2πC g , where C g is the gate-nanotube capacitance. Here C g = C geo C Q /(C geo + C Q ) is the series combination of the quantum and geometrical capacitances, C Q and C geo . Ultrathin oxide coating in CNTFETs allows to approach the quantum limit with a capacitance per unit gate length l g , C geo /l g > C Q /l g = * Electronic address: Bernard.Placais@lpa.ens.fr