Abstract. Let G be a not necessarily split reductive group scheme over a commutative ring R with 1. Given a parabolic subgroup P of G, the elementary group E P (R) is defined to be the subgroup of G(R) generated by U P (R) and U P − (R), where U P and U P − are the unipotent radicals of P and its opposite P − , respectively. It is proved that if G contains a Zariski locally split torus of rank 2, then the group E P (R) = E(R) does not depend on P , and, in particular, is normal in G(R). §1. IntroductionLet G be a reductive algebraic group over a commutative ring R with identity. Our aim is to give a definition of an elementary subgroup E(R) of the group of points G(R), generalizing the notion of the elementary subgroup of a split reductive group and other similar concepts, and to show that under some natural restrictions,
E(R) is normal in G(R).The notion of the elementary subgroup E n (R) of the general linear group GL n (R) was introduced by Bass [7] (while before it had been used implicitly by Whitehead in the study of homotopy types of CW-complexes) and served as a basis for his construction of algebraic K-theory. In particular, the nonstable K 1 -functor is defined as the quotient GL n (R)/ E n (R), and K 2 as the kernel of a certain central extension of E n (R). The definition of the elementary subgroup involves a fixed basis in R n , but by the Suslin theorem [26], if R is commutative and n ≥ 3, then E n (R) does not depend on the choice of a basis, or, in other words, is normal in GL n (R). Various approaches to this result were discussed, for example, in [25,35].Later on, the elementary subgroup was defined for arbitrary split semisimple groups over R as the subgroup generated by all elementary root unipotents x α (ξ) or, what is the same, by the R-points of the unipotent radical of a Borel subgroup B in G and of the unipotent radical of the opposite Borel subgroup B − (see, e.g., [1,21]). In the same way as in the case of G = GL n , it turns out that when the ranks of all irreducible components of the root system of G are at least 2, the elementary subgroup does not depend on the choice of a Borel subgroup, i.e., is normal in G(R). For the orthogonal and symplectic groups, this fact was proved by Suslin and Kopeȋko [27,18] and by Fu An Li [19], and for arbitrary Chevalley groups by Abe [1] in the case of local rings and by Taddei [29] in the general case (cf. [2]). A simpler proof was given by Hazrat and Vavilov in [15]. The normality of the elementary subgroup in twisted Chevalley groups was proved by Suzuki [28], and by Bak and Vavilov [5]. For classical groups, there are versions of the definition of the elementary subgroup that involve an involution and a "form parameter" (in the sense of Bak). In that case normality was proved by Vaserstein and Hong You [34], and by Bak and Vavilov [6]; see also the paper of the first author on the case of "odd" unitary groups [22]. Certainly, not all classical groups in the sense of Bak can be presented as groups of points of reductive group schemes, but as fo...