The equilibrium energies of the iodocarbenes CXI (X = Br, Cl, F) in theirX( 1 A ),ã( 3 A ) andÃ( 1 A ) states and their atomisation and dissociation energies in the complete basis limit were determined by extrapolating valence correlated (R/U)CCSD(T) and Davidson corrected multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) energies calculated with the augcc-pVxZ (x = T,Q,5) basis sets and the ECP28MDF pseudopotential of iodine plus corrections for core and core-valence correlation, scalar relativity, spin-orbit coupling and zero-point energies. Spin-orbit energies were computed in a large basis of configurations chosen so as to accurately describe dissociation to the 3 P and 2 P states of C and of the halogens X and I, respectively. The computed singlet-triplet splittings are 13.6, 14.4 and 27.3 kcal mol −1 for X = Br, Cl and F, respectively. The enthalpies of formation at 0 K are predicted to be 97.4, 82.6 and 38.1 kcal mol −1 with estimated errors of ±1.0 kcal mol −1 . Theà ←X excitation energies (T 00 ) in CBrI and CClI are calculated to be 41.1 and 41.7 kcal mol −1 , respectively. The Renner-Teller intersections in both molecules are predicted to be substantially higher than the dissociation barriers on theà surfaces. By contrast, in CFI theà state is found to be unbound with respect to dissociation.