Dedicated to Professor Otto Haupt with best wishes on his lOOth birthday1. An Arc [A curve] is the homeomorphic image of a segment [of the projective line].The geometry of orders of arcs and curves is developed in [2]. In a fundamental domain G, a set #g of curves and arcs K is given. The geometry of orders studies the structure of a given arc B, the basic arc, by means of the set #g. This set #g of characteristic curves has a dimension, the fundamental number k = k(#g). In the local theory, a point p on B, the base point, is introduced, and the behaviour of B near p is examined. For details we refer to the first pages of [2]. However, the following concepts are central: The #g-order of B is the number sup ] K n B I. The #g-order ofp is the #g-order Ke~" of a sufficiently small neighbourhood of p on B. The point p is #g-singular if this number is greater than k.2. Within the framework of the geometry of orders, various mathematicians have done direct differential geometry. Choosing some #g, they defined differentiability with respect to #g and classified the #g-differentiable points. Then they proved theorems on their #g-order. Their sets #g and fundamental domains G were