We investigate the geometry and topology of extremal domains in a manifold with negative sectional curvature. An extremal domain is a domain that supports a positive solution to an overdetermined elliptic problem (OEP for short). We consider two types of OEPs.First, we study narrow properties of such domains in a Hadamard manifold and characterize the boundary at infinity. We give an upper bound for the Hausdorff dimension of its boundary at infinity and how the domain behaves at infinity. This shows interesting relations with the Singular Yamabe Problem.Later, we focus on extremal domains in the Hyperbolic Space H n . Symmetry and boundedness properties will be shown. In certain sense, we extend Levitt-Rosenberg's Theorem [27] to OEPs, which suggests a strong relation with constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in H n . In particular, we are able to prove the Berestycki-Caffarelli-Nirenberg Conjecture under certain assumptions either on the boundary at infinity of the extremal domain or on the OEP itself.Also a height estimate for solutions on extremal domains in a Hyperbolic Space will be given. 0 MSC 2010: 35Nxx; 53Cxx.