We discuss a 1D variational problem modeling an elastic sheet on water, lifted at one end. Its terms include all forces that are relevant in the experiment. By studying a suitable Gamma-limit, we identify a parameter regime in which the sheet is inextensible, and the bending energy of the sheet is negligible. In this regime, the problem simplifies to one with an explicit solution. In order to prove Γ−convergence, we introduce a retardation argument in order to deal with the possibly infinite bending energy of the ansatz. This model involves a variational problem set in an unbounded domain and non reflexive topology, and hence requires special care. KEYWORDS calculus of variations, elasto-capillarity, gamma convergence, thin elastic sheets MSC CLASSIFICATION 49
SETTING AND MODELThis article models and analyzes an experiment in which a thin sheet on water is lifted at one end. Against expectations, the profile of the thin sheet on one side of the contact point and the profile of the liquid gas interface on the other side of the contact point are exactly symmetric (see lecture notes in https://blogs.umass.edu/softmatter/lecture-notes/ specifically the course by Benny Davidovitch, lecture 4 for experimental results, or Deepak Kumar and Russell 1 ). This is counter intuitive since the forces acting on the liquid gas interface are the gravitational pull of the liquid and the effect of surface tension. On the other hand, the forces acting on the thin film are elastic forces, surface tension, and the gravitational pull of the liquid. Furthermore, the surface tension coefficients of the three different interfaces (liquid-gas, gas-solid, liquid-solid) are in principle different. This article provides a mathematical treatment of the problem: starting from well-established first principles we deduce the solution and prove that the profiles are symmetric.In order to justify our model from first principles, we derive our model as a Γ limit of functionals with positive thickness. The upper bound construction involves a highly oscillatory isometry, which in general can have infinite bending energy (proportional to the W 2,2 norm). In order to make this negligible in the limit, we introduce a retardation argument. Along the way, it is necessary to prove existence an uniqueness of problem (2) on a half-plane. Since the variational problem gives us a bound in the W 1,1 topology in which the unit ball is not weakly compact, we have to rewrite the problem in parametric coordinates, which gives a W 1,∞ bound. Since in this topology the unit ball is weakly compact, we can apply the direct method. This idea, along with a diagonal sequence-argument to deal with the unbounded domain, allows us to prove well-posedness. This is done through proposition 2.The interaction of thin sheets with surface tension have been the focus of many recent works including Deepak Kumar and Russell, 2 and works dealing with wrinkling phenomena. 3-7 More broadly, Vella and Mahadevan 8 and Vella et al 9 treat the interaction of surface tension with mechanical p...