We give new interpretations of the ν-Tamari lattice of Préville-Ratelle and Viennot. First, we describe it as a rotation lattice of ν-trees, which uncovers the relation with known combinatorial objects such as tree-like tableaux and north-east fillings. Then, using a formulation in terms of bracket vectors of ν-trees and componentwise order, we provide a simple description of the lattice property. We also show that the ν-Tamari lattice is isomorphic to the increasing-flip poset of a suitably chosen subword complex, and settle a special case of Rubey's lattice conjecture concerning the poset of pipe dreams defined by chute moves. Finally, this point of view generalizes to multi ν-Tamari complexes, and gives (conjectural) insight on their geometric realizability via polytopal subdivisions of multiassociahedra.