Abstract. -We identify a fairly general class of field configurations (of spins 0, 1 2 and 1) which preserve Lorentz invariance in effective field theories of Lorentz violation characterized by a constant timelike vector. These fields concomitantly satisfy the equations of motion yielding cubic dispersion relations similar to those found earlier. They appear to have prospective applications in inflationary scenarios.Introduction. -Invariance under Lorentz transformation is known till date to be a global symmetry of the standard theory of elementary particles when gravitation is ignored. However, questions have been raised regarding the validity of this symmetry at small length scales owing to probable quantum gravity effects . The natural mass scale of quantum gravity is the Planck mass M P l . Departures, suppressed by the Planck mass, from the standard special relativistic dispersion relation of free particles of mass m at large energies have been accepted as a signature of Lorentz invariance violation and has been the principal objet de l'attention of experimental and theoretical probes of Lorentz violation. These hypothesised ad hoc corrections due to Lorentz non-invariance must have their origin in new terms in the action of the system. Myers and Pospelov [38] have studied this issue within the framework of effective field theory involving fields of spins 0, 1/2 and 1, by incorporating into the action dimension five operators containing a constant timelike 4-vector n which ostensibly breaks Lorentz invariance. Choosing a Lorentz frame where n µ = (1, 0), corrections of O(p 3 ) to the dispersion relation of each of the three fields have been obtained in [38] in the limit of relatively high energies E (M P l >> E >> m).