Space-time is one of the most essential, yet most mysterious concepts in physics. In quantum mechanics it is common to understand time as a marker of instances of evolution and define states around all the space but at one time; while in general relativity space-time is taken as a combinator, curved around mass. Here we present a unified approach on both space and time in quantum theory, and build quantum states across spacetime instead of only on spatial slices. We no longer distinguish measurements on the same system at different times with measurements on different systems at one time and construct spacetime states upon these measurement statistics. As a first step towards nonrelativistic quantum field theory, we consider how to approach this in the continuous-variable multimode regime. We propose six possible definitions for spacetime states in continuous variables, based on four different measurement processes: quadratures, displaced parity operators, position measurements and weak measurements. The basic idea is to treat different instances of time as different quantum modes. They are motivated by the pseudo-density matrix formulation among indefinite causal structures and the path integral formalism. We show that these definitions lead to desirable properties, and raise the differences and similarities between spatial and temporal correlations. An experimental proposal for tomography is presented, construing the operational meaning of the spacetime states.
REVISEDThe pseudo-density matrix formulation [16,[25][26][27][28][29]] is a finite-dimensional quantum-mechanical formalism which aims to treat space and time on an equal footing via unifying spatial and temporal correlations. Among all indefinite causal structures, only the pseudo-density matrix assumes a single Hilbert space for each spacetime event while all the others use double Hilbert spaces, e.g. for inputs and outputs in process matrices. As a price to pay, pseudo-density matrices may not be positive semi-definite. In general, this formulation defines an event via making a measurement for a single qubit at one time and is built upon correlations from measurement results of different events on arbitrary qubits at arbitrary times. By making a tensor product of different event Hilbert 8 Note that a continuous-variable version of process matrices defined e.g. in [10], posing a challenge for treating field theory scenarios with such formulations.