Techniques for global optimization (which include Monte Carlo and simulated annealing methods, neural networks, genetic algorithms, other evolutionary procedures, and a wide range of other computational strategies) are currently being applied to yield fundamental understanding across diverse areas of the physical sciences, [1] including protein folding, [ 2a] structure prediction of clusters [ 2b-e] and crystals, [ 2f] structure determination from electron diffraction [ 2g] and powder X-ray diffraction [3] data (including applications in the case of nanostructures [ 2h] ), interpretation of spectroscopic data such as NMR spectroscopy [ 2i] and Mçssbauer spectroscopy, [ 2j] understanding protein-substrate interactions, [ 2k] and optimization of laser pulse-shapes for quantum control of chemical reactions, [ 2l, m] to name just a few. Although the details of the computational implementations of global optimization strategies necessarily differs between these different areas of application, there is nonetheless significant commonality in the approaches employed in different fields, and fundamental advances in one field of application are often directly transferable to other fields.Among these areas of application, structure determination of organic molecular solids from powder X-ray diffraction data is nowadays carried out widely, [3] with the recent upsurge of activity in this field coinciding with the development of the "direct-space strategy" for structure solution [4] in which the structure-solution process is transformed into a problem of global optimization. Thus, in the direct-space strategy, trial structures are generated independently of the experimental powder X-ray diffraction pattern, and the quality of each trial structure is assessed by direct comparison between the powder X-ray diffraction pattern calculated for the trial structure and the experimental powder X-ray diffraction pattern. This comparison is quantified using an appropriate figure-ofmerit (in our work, the weighted powder profile R-factor R wp ). Clearly, the aim of the global optimization problem in this case is to locate the trial structure that corresponds to optimal agreement (lowest R wp ) between calculated and experimental powder X-ray diffraction patterns, and is equivalent to exploring a hypersurface R wp (G) to find the global minimum, where G represents the set of variables that define the trial structures. In principle, any technique for global optimization may be used, and our own current work in this field is focused on the use of a genetic algorithm, [5] implemented in the program EAGER.[6] Conventionally, the structural variables in the set G comprise, for each molecule in the asymmetric unit, the position {x, y, z} and orientation {q, f, y} of the whole molecule, and a set of n variable torsion angles {t 1 , t 2 ,.., t n } to define the molecular conformation. An important feature underlying the success of the direct-space strategy is that it incorporates reliable prior knowledge of molecular geometry (i.e....