A machine learning methodology for processing and visualizing high-resolution LiDAR digital data is used to map drumlins and mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) on the bed of the Late Wisconsin Green Bay Lobe in Wisconsin, USA, which exhibited surge-like behaviour during deglaciation. Previous work has shown that streamlined bedforms are the product of erosional streamlining of pre-existing sediment. Analysis of bedform height and elongation ratio using curvature-based relief separation (CBRS) and K-means clustering of 32,003 bedforms reveals a continuum of six morphotypes ranging from drumlins, through "channeled" more elongated multi-crested drumlins, to MSGLs. Further statistical analysis shows that morphotypes cluster into six types of streamlined surfaces (S1-S6) recording progressive elimination of an antecedent overridden topography to produce a smoother bed. Initial, relatively high-relief drumlinized surfaces (S1, S2) occur around the slowerflowing lateral flanks of the lobe, where a pre-existing hummocky morainal topography was only partially modified by subglacial erosion. More streamlined surfaces (S3, S4) dominated by multi-crested more elongate drumlins of reduced relief amplitude are transitional to flow sets of MSGL-dominated surfaces (S5, S6) indicative of much faster-flowing ice streaming along the lobe's axis. Estimates of basal drag based on roughness calculations for each surface type identify a 61% reduction in frictional retardation from poorly streamlined surfaces S1 and S2 to MSGL-dominated surfaces S5 and S6, with a step-like reduction between drumlins and channeled drumlins (S3, S4) possibly recording the rapid onset of fast flow. Subglacial streamlining is argued to be accomplished by a thin (<1 m) "third layer" of deforming subglacial debris between ice and its bed which functioned as an erodent layer. A thin (<3 m) till cap, formed by aggradation of deforming debris, rests unconformably on heterogeneous core sediments. Streamlined subglacial surfaces are comparable to the "functional" surfaces resulting from erosion by a "third layer" of wear debris in engineering tribological systems, and also by gouge on faults. Pleistocene ice sheets expanded over pre-existing landsystems, pointing to the broader relevance of the methodology and findings reported here.