We describe the use of Isca for the hierarchical modeling of Solar System planets, with particular attention paid to Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Isca is a modeling framework for the construction and use of models of planetary atmospheres at varying degrees of complexity, from featureless model planets with an atmosphere forced by a thermal relaxation back to a specified temperature, through aquaplanets with no continents (or no ocean) with a simple radiation scheme, to near-comprehensive models with a multi-band radiation scheme, a convection scheme, and configurable continents and topography. By a judicious choice of parameters and parameterization schemes, the model may be configured for fairly arbitrary planets, with stellar radiation input determined by astronomical parameters, taking into account the planet's obliquity and eccentricity. In this paper, we describe the construction and use of models at varying levels of complexity for Earth, Mars and Jupiter using the primitive equations and/or the shallow water equations.Atmosphere 2019, 10, 803 2 of 21 with a nominal troposphere that in some respects is quite Earth-like: its temperature falls from about 320 K at its base to 53 K at its top, possibly containing both water and ammonia/methane clouds.Beyond our Solar System, there are likely billions of planets in our galaxy alone, with over 4000 confirmed planets at the time of writing (NASA Exoplanet Archive [7]). Many of these planets are undoubtedly similar to those mentioned above, but some surely different-tidally-locked "Hot-Jupiters", being but one example class [8,9].Given such a diversity-a diversity far greater than that of the stars around which the planets orbit-the question arises as to how such planets should be modeled. On Earth, we may reasonably seek to model Earth's atmosphere and climate in some detail using very complex models-such as comprehensive General Circulation Models (GCMs) or Earth System Models (ESMs)-in which we seek to put the most realistic representation of physical and chemical (and sometimes biological) processes possible. Such models are extensions of those used for weather forecasting and, similar to weather forecast models, one goal is to be as quantitatively accurate as possible.However, several factors suggest that such an approach is not always ideal for planetary atmospheres: