High temperatures present a risk of destruction for most silicate-based construction materials. Although these materials are not flammable, they lose their properties due to a thermal decomposition. In contrast to ordinary Portland-cement-based materials, alkali-activated slag exhibits a better thermal stability when exposed to temperatures up to 1200°C. Due to its different porosity it is less susceptible to spalling. However, the properties of the composites after a high-temperature treatment depend also on the stability of the aggregates. The effects of two different types of the aggregate (quartz and chamotte) on the residual mechanical properties and microstructure of the alkali-activated slag mortars exposed to 200-1200°C is presented in this study. The results showed an improved mechanical performance of the thermally stable chamotte aggregate at temperatures above 600°C. a-quartz is transformed to b-quartz at 573°C, causing a volume instability and, consequently, a strength deterioration. Although chamotte also contains some quartz phase, the reaction of mullite with the alkalis from the matrix leads to the formation of albite and anorthite, making the material tougher and, thus, compensating the negative effect of quartz. Keywords: alkali-activated slag, high temperatures, chamotte, quartz, strength, microstructure Visoke temperature so tveganje za razpad ve~ine gradbenih materialov, ki temeljijo na silikatih.^eprav ti materiali niso vnetljivi, izgubijo svoje lastnosti zaradi termi~ne razgradnje. Nasprotno od materialov, ki temeljijo na portland cementu, z alkalijo aktivirane`lindre izkazujejo bolj{o temperaturno obstojnost,~e so izpostavljene temperaturam do 1200°C. Zaradi razli~ne poroznosti so manj ob~utljive za pojav lu{~enja. Vendar pa so lastnosti kompozita po visokotemperaturni obdelavi odvisne tudi od stabilnosti agregatov. V {tudiji so predstavljeni vplivi dveh razli~nih vrst agregatov (kremen in {amota) na preostale mehanske lastnosti in mikrostrukturo malte iz z alkalijo aktivirane`lindre, izpostavljene temperaturam 200-1200°C. Rezultati so pokazali izbolj{ane mehanske lastnosti toplotno stabilnega {amotnega agregata pri temperaturah nad 600°C. a-kremen se transformira pri 573°C v b-kremen, kar povzro~i volumensko nestabilnost in posledi~no poslab{anje trdnosti.^eprav {amot vsebuje nekaj kremenove faze, reagiranje mulita z alkalijami iz osnove povzro~i nastanek albita in anortita, ki povzro~ita, da material postane bolj`ilav in s tem kompenzira negativni vpliv kremena.