Purpose: This study aimed at investigating the nature of temporality and its implications on existence.
Methodology: The study adopted a desktop research methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive’s time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library.
Findings: The findings reveal that there exists a contextual and methodological gap relating to the nature of temporality and its implications on existence. The study comprehensively explored various theoretical perspectives and empirical findings related to temporality and its impact on human existence. Through a synthesis of theoretical frameworks such as eternalism, presentism, and the growing block universe theory, alongside empirical studies examining temporal perception and cultural variations, the research provided insights into the complexity of temporality and its relevance to reality. By identifying research gaps and delineating future directions, the study laid the groundwork for further inquiry into the fundamental nature of time and its implications for human experience and understanding of existence.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Eternalism, Presentism and Growing Block Universe may be used to anchor future studies on the nature of temporality and its implications on existence. The study provided valuable recommendations for advancing theory, informing practice, and guiding policy formulation. It contributed to theoretical advancements by proposing a comprehensive model that integrated diverse perspectives on temporality, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to synthesize insights from philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, and other disciplines. In practice, the study recommended integrating temporal perspectives into therapeutic interventions, educational curricula, and organizational strategies to enhance well-being and productivity. Policy implications included promoting flexible work arrangements, patient-centered healthcare approaches, and environmentally sustainable practices that acknowledge the temporal dimensions of human existence. Through these recommendations, the study aimed to deepen our understanding of temporality and its profound significance for human existence.
Keywords: Ontology, Time, Temporality, Existence, Philosophical, Interdisciplinary, Well-being, Framework, Perception, Multifaceted