Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1390 (36°19.110′N, 7°43.078′W, 992 m water depth) is located southeast of the Guadalquivir Bank and the Guadalquivir contourite channel (Fig. F1, F2) over the large sheeted drifts from the northwest part of Sector 3 of the contourite depositional system (CDS) (channel and ridge sector defined by Hernández-Molina et al., 2003, andLlave et al., 2007a). This site represents an opportunity for identifying the recent tectonic influence on the architecture and evolution of the CDS and how it affected Mediterranean Ocean Water (MOW) distribution. It was selected to recover an early Pleistocene to present sedimentary record as well as date several prominent unconformities (Fig. F2) that can be traced regionally across the dense seismic grid.This area, located in the central middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz, has been affected by recent tectonic activity, which controlled the major morphostructural features and its recent evolution (Maldonado et al