After the change of the communist regime and the takeover of agricultural areas by private permits, they, in the context of the presence on the market of a limited range of chemical fertilizers at low prices, began their irrational application, in order to obtain large yields. Although most farmers currently apply fertilizer resources on a scientific basis, the effect of previous practices is still felt, affecting groundwater quality. This paper aims to assess the impact of chemical fertilizers on water quality indicators in a former rural area, now peri urban in the Banat Plain. 10 water sampling points were established (wells and boreholes), and the sampling was done over a period of 6 months (from November 2020 till June 2021). The parameters determined and the range of values were: pH: 6,65 ÷ 7,90; NO3- (mg·l-1): 1,23 ÷ 158,15; NO2- (mg·l-1): 0 ÷ 10,76; NH4+ (mg·l-1): 0 ÷ 5,12, EC (μS/cm): 420 ÷ 1918; PO43- (mg·l-1): 0,0107 ÷ 1,518; Cl- (mg·l-1): 9,35 ÷ 174; SO42- (mg·l-1): 18,79 ÷229,18. The interdependencies between these parameters were also studied.