Two hydrogen-rich materials: H 3 S and LaH 10 , synthesized at megabar pressures have revolutionized the field of superconductivity by providing a first glimpse into the solution for the hundred-year-old problem of room-temperature superconductivity. The mechanism governing these exceptional superconductors is the conventional electron-phonon coupling. Here, we describe recent advances in experimental techniques, superconductivity theory and first-principles computational methods, which made this discovery possible. The aim of this work is to provide an up-to-date compendium of the available results on superconducting hydrides and explain the synergy of different methodologies that led to the extraordinary discoveries in the field. Furthermore, in an attempt to evidence empirical rules governing superconductivity in binary hydrides under pressure, we discuss general trends in electronic structure and chemical bonding. The last part of the Review introduces possible strategies to optimize pressure and transition temperatures in conventional superconducting materials. Directions for future research in areas of theory, computational methods and high-pressure experiments are proposed, in order to advance our understanding of superconductivity.