Streams of the Northern-Vosges-Pfälzerwald Biosphere Reserve are proposed to the NATURA 2000 European network. They indeed correspond to the habitat "Floating vegetation of Ranunculus in highland and lowland streams". Ranunculus peltatus is a determinant species of this habitat and is specially present in this area. Its dynamics was studied on a 10 year-period. R. peltatus has only colonized two new sites. Its abundance has however increased in mesotrophic and eutrophic sites. In sites where it is present, the cover percentage of the other species of the groupment was similar for oligotrophic sites, decreased for mesotrophic sites and increased for eutrophic sites. In mesotrophic sites, several species and especially two protected ones have disappeared. Thus, the protection of this habitat may need the management of R. peltatus.
RÉSUMÉProposés au réseau NATURA 2000, les cours d'eau de la Réserve Vosges du Nord-Pfälzerwald abritent un habitat d'intérêt communautaire « végétation flottante de Renoncules des rivières submontagnardes et planitiaires ». Ranunculus peltatus, espèce déterminante de cet habitat, y est particulièrement représentée. Sa dynamique a été étudiée sur une période de