Summary.The effects of 148 metabolites and a~tinietabolites on the sporulation or"Peronospora tabacina Adam. on leaf disks of Nieotiand tubacum cv. Virginia Gold.have been determined.(1) Normal metabolites, with the exception of flavin adenine dinucleotide, had slight althoU:gh statistically significant effects on sporulation intensIty, which suggests that inhibition-nutri tion phenomena play no part in the sporulation process of P. tabacina.(2) Seven uracil analogues had an inhibitory effect on sporulation, and the reversal of inhibition by uracil suggests the active involvement of this compound in the sporulation process.(3) Canavanine at a final concentrat.ion of 120 ftgjml showed complete inhibition of sporulation. The reversal of the canavanine inhibition of sporulation by arginine, citrulline, and ornithine suggests the involvement of arginine and the functioning of an ornithine cycle in the sporulating system.(4) White, instead of the normal blue, conidia were produced in the presence of a number of sUlphur-contain ing compounds. It is suggested that this phenomenon depends on the chelating properties of these compounds towards copper ions, with the subsequent inactivation of tyrosinase activity in the conidia.(5) Sporulation intensities of 68 X 10'-}53 X 10 4 conidia per sqnare centimetre of leaf area were observed during the present study.