Categorization of sections of the rail network is an important problem related to the development of railway infrastructure, the organization and management of train movements. In this study a methodology is elaborated to classify the sections of railway network. The methodology includes three steps. In the first step the sections and modules for research are determined. The modules are formed based on the type of railway transportation-passenger trains, fast and express trains, freight trains. The common module with all categories of trains also has been studied. The criteria for categorization, which include infrastructural and operational factors, have been defined in the second step. Nineteen criteria have been proposed in this study. The third step applies the hierarchical cluster analysis method to classify the sections for each of modules. The methodology was applied to Bulgarian railway network and 170 sections have been investigated. The cluster analysis has been used for each of the predefined modules. For each module clusters of sections have been determined. The impact of each criterion has been studied. It was found that the passenger network usage intensity (passenger•km•km-1) is most important in the module related to the passenger transport; the freight network usage (ton•km•km-1) is the main criterion for the freight transportation and the train network usage intensity (gross ton-km/km) is primary for the common module. The methodology can be used to analyse the state of the railway network; traffic assessment; evaluation of the significance of the section in relation to the load; defining infrastructure charges; determination of the capacity of the railway lines; planning of reconstructive events, etc.