“…In Figure 1a, the speaker shows how a character in her narrative acts by using her own body as Figure 1b the speaker uses only her right hand to show the actions of a character, that is, she uses her hand to show the entity as a whole. In the gesture literature, this difference has generally been referred to as a difference in viewpoint (McNeill, 1992(McNeill, , 2005Beattie & Shovelton, 2001Parrill, 2009, 2010: Stec, 2012Debreslioska, Özyürek, Gullberg, & Perniss, 2013) -most often framed as c h a r a c t e r v i e w p o i n t versus o b s e r v e r v i e w p o i n t, although studies sometimes use different labels for comparable distinctions. 2 Although the term viewpoint is often used in the co-speech gesture literature, exactly what constitutes a viewpoint is rarely specified.…”