Pei Wang's paper titled "On Defining Artificial Intelligence" was published in a special issue of the Journal of Artificial General Intelligence (JAGI) in December of last year (Wang, 2019). Wang has been at the forefront of AGI research for over two decades. His non-axiomatic approach to reasoning has stood as a singular example of what may lie beyond narrow AI, garnering interest from NASA and Cisco, among others. We consider his article one of the strongest attempts, since the beginning of the field, to address the long-standing lack of consensus for how to define the field and topic of artificial intelligence (AI). In the recent AGISI survey on defining intelligence (Monett and Lewis, 2018), Pei Wang's definition, The essence of intelligence is the principle of adapting to the environment while working with insufficient knowledge and resources. Accordingly, an intelligent system should rely on finite processing capacity, work in real time, open to unexpected tasks, and learn from experience. This working definition interprets "intelligence" as a form of "relative rationality" (Wang, 2008), 1. Most striking in these numbers is the glaring absence of female authors. A common reason among female academics for rejecting our invitation to contribute was overcommitment. As a community, we may want to think of new, different ways of engaging the full spectrum of AI practitioners if we value inclusion as an essential constituent of a healthy scientific growth. Self determination and willingness to participate are also essential. This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License.