This file was dowloaded from the institutional repository Brage NIH Dowling, F. J., Kårhus, S. (2011). An analysis of the ideological work of the discourses of 'fair play' and moral education in perpetuating inequitable gender practices in PETE. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 16,[197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211].Dette er siste tekst-versjon av artikkelen, og den kan inneholde små forskjeller fra forlagets pdf-versjon. Forlagets pdf-versjon finner du på www.tandfonline. Purpose: The study aimed to explore the extent to which PETE can be seen to nurture equitable learning environments, within a discourse of teacher professionalism which celebrates diversity, by using the lens of gender equity.
Research design and data collection:Qualitative data have been generated from individual, in-depth interviews, group interviews and the content analysis of PETE curricula. The sample comprised 8 PE teacher educators (2 female/6 male), 12 student teachers (3 female/9 male),
An analysis of the ideological work of fair play 3Findings: The analyses revealed that the concept of 'fair play', combined with the prevailing gender discourses and dominant views of teacher professionalism in PETE, does considerable 'ideological work' to sustain inequitable gender relations. The discourse of 'fair play' draws upon actors' common sense understandings of the concept as opposed to theoretical perspectives, as does the hegemonic discourse of gender which is evident in the data. Rather than developing professional identities which celebrate diversity, PETE culture in Norway seems to continue a subject tradition of constructing teachers, student teachers and pupils as universal, disembodied, and de-contextualised subjects.
Conclusions:The study warns us to the dangers of imposing 'discursive closure' if PETE culture legitimates discourses about gender and morality which limit actors' understandings of the complexities of these phenomena. We advocate a PETE culture that emphasises plurality and acknowledges the inevitable power structures imbued in different ways of knowing.An analysis of the ideological work of fair play 4
Summary for practitionersMany physical educators express a desire to provide positive learning experiences for all pupils. Research informs us, however, that this is no easy objective to fulfil. Research on gender relations in PE reveals for example that many actors within the field (both in schools and in institutions of higher education) are exposed to inequitable learning environments which favour white, mesomorph, middle class males, and marginalise males who do not live up to this ideal, as well as the majority of females. There are many complex structures which influence upon how gender is experienced in PE, not least the subject culture of PE and the attitudes and beliefs of teacher educators, student teachers, teachers and pupils. This paper analyses in particular the way in which beliefs about 'fair play' and moral education through the physica...