A radioimmunoassay for plasma unconjugated estriol is described using a highly specific antiestriol-antiserum. The antibody was obtained by immunising rabbits with a mixture of an estriol-C2-and estriol-C4-albumin conjugate.The specificity was demonstrated by crossreaction studies with various steroids and phenolic derivates. By use of this antiserum plasma estriol can be determined by radioimmunoassay with no proceeding chromatographic separation steps necessary. Within one working day the estriol concentration of up to twenty plasma samples can be determined with only 0.1 ml plasma required per estimation.The plasma concentration of unconjugated estriol increased from an average of 2.9 ng/ml in the 20th week of gestation to 15.3 ng/ml at term, with most of the increase demonstrable during the last trimester of pregnancy. There was a considerable variation of the individual estriol concentrations in different patients.The results of serial determinations at four hour intervals for 24 hours showed slight fluctuations with no consistent pattern. The mean coefficient of variation was 16.1~ 5.2%.Subnormal values of plasma estriol were found in patients in whom a placental insufficiency was assumed on clinical grounds. Serial determinations in 7 patients showed either no increase or even a decline of the plasma estriol levels. The newborns had a low birth weight and showed signs of fetal growth retardation.In cases of intrauterine fetal death a decrease in the plasma-concentration of unconjugated estriol could be demonstrated by serial determination early in the clinical course. Shortly after fetal death no measurable estriol concentrations could be obtained.The low estriol values in plasma and urine correlated significantly. Therefore determination of plasma unconjugated estriol is a significant contribution to the diagnosis of placental insufficiency. Serial determinations increase the liability of this method as an index of fetal well being, just as urinary estrogen assays do. Moreover, plasma determinations allow controls within shorter time intervals then urinary estimations do, the latter requiring collection of a 24 hours specimen. Radioimmunologische Bestimmung des unkonjugierten PlasmaSstriol mit einem spezifischen AnCi6striolserum in der normalen und pathologischen Schwangerschaft Zusammen]assung. Durch Immunisierung yon Kaninchen mit dem Gemisch eines 0striol-C2-und 0striol-C4-Albuminkonjugates wurde ein Antiserum gegen 0striol entwickelt, welches keine Mfinit~t fiir strukturiihnliche Plasmasteroide odor Aromate aufweist. 20 15