Monotone variational recurrence relations such as the Frenkel-Kontorova lattice, arise in solid state physics, conservative lattice dynamics and as Hamiltonian twist maps.For such recurrence relations, Aubry-Mather theory guarantees the existence of solutions of every rotation number ω ∈ R. They are the action minimizers that constitute the AubryMather set. When ω is irrational, the Aubry-Mather set is either connected or a Cantor set. A connected Aubry-Mather set is called a minimal foliation. In the case of twist maps, it describes an invariant circle, while in solid state physics it corresponds to a continuum of ground states. A Cantor Aubry-Mather set is called a minimal lamination.In this paper we prove that when the rotation number of a minimal foliation is either rational or easy to approximate by rational numbers, then the foliation can be destroyed into a lamination by an arbitrarily small smooth perturbation of the recurrence relation. This generalizes a theorem of Mather for twist maps to general recurrence relations.