Our paper was inspired by the recent Society 5.0 initiative of the Japanese Government which seeks to create a sustainable human-centric society by putting to work recent advances in technology. One of the key challenges in implementing Society 5.0 is providing trusted and secure services for everyone to use. Motivated by this challenge, this paper makes three contributions that we summarize as follows: Our first main contribution is to propose a novel blockchain and smart contract-based trust and reputation service design to reduce the uncertainty associated with buyer feedback in marketplaces that we expect to see in Society 5.0. Our second contribution is to extend Laplace’s Law of Succession in a way that provides a trust measure in a seller’s future performance in terms of their past reputation scores. Our third main contribution is to illustrate three applications of the proposed trust and reputation service. Here, we begin by discussing an application to a multi-segment marketplace, where a malicious seller may establish a stellar reputation by selling cheap items, only to use their excellent reputation score to defraud buyers in a different market segment. Next, we demonstrate how our trust and reputation service works in the context of sellers with time-varying performance due, say, to overcoming an initial learning curve. We provide a discounting scheme where older reputation scores are given less weight than more recent ones. Finally, we show how to predict trust and reputation far in the future, based on incomplete information. Extensive simulations have confirmed the accuracy of our analytical predictions.