Exofacial phosphatidylserine (PS) is an important ligand mediating apoptotic cell clearance by phagocytes. Oxidation of PS fatty acyl groups (oxPS) during apoptosis reportedly mediates recognition through scavenger receptors. Given the oxidative capacity of the neutrophil NADPH oxidase, we sought to identify oxPS signaling species in stimulated neutrophils. Using mass spectrometry analysis, only trace amounts of previously characterized oxPS species were found. Conversely, 18:1 and 18:0 lysophosphatidylserine (lysoPS), known bioactive signaling phospholipids, were identified as abundant modified PS species following activation of the neutrophil oxidase. NADPH oxidase inhibitors blocked the production of lyso-PS in vitro, and accordingly, its generation in vivo by activated, murine neutrophils during zymosan-induced peritonitis was absent in mice lacking a functional NADPH oxidase (gp91 phox؊/؊ ). Treatment of macrophages with lyso-PS enhanced the uptake of apoptotic cells in vitro, an effect that was dependent on signaling via the macrophage G2A receptor. Similarly, endogenously produced lyso-PS also enhanced the G2A-mediated uptake of activated PS-exposing (but non-apoptotic) neutrophils, raising the possibility of non-apoptotic mechanisms for removal of inflammatory cells during resolution. Finally, antibody blockade of G2A signaling in vivo prolonged zymosan-induced neutrophilia in wild-type mice, whereas having no effect in gp91 phox؊/؊ mice where lyso-PS are not generated. Taken together, we show that lyso-PS are modified PS species generated following activation of the NADPH oxidase and lyso-PS signaling through the macrophage G2A functions to enhance existing receptor/ligand systems for optimal resolution of neutrophilic inflammation.Neutrophils are often robustly recruited early in inflammation. Within hours of their activation in tissues, they are removed by phagocytes, an event required for resolution of inflammation and the return to normalcy of tissue function. It is known that neutrophils undergoing apoptosis drive the production of anti-inflammatory mediators such as transforming growth factor- that actively suppress production of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, eicosanoids, and nitric oxide (1, 2). Indeed, enhanced induction of neutrophil apoptosis in vivo is potently anti-inflammatory (3, 4). However, if recognition and clearance fail, activated and dying neutrophils ultimately disintegrate releasing injurious intracellular constituents (e.g. serine proteases) (5). Failure of timely cell clearance is associated with both autoimmunity and enhanced inflammation (6, 7).Phosphatidylserine (PS) 2 exposed in the plasma membrane outer leaflet of apoptotic cells has long been known as a key ligand important for their recognition and removal. Interaction with various PS receptors, including the recently identified TIM4 (8, 9), BAI1 (10), and stabilin 2 (11) or PS-recognizing bridge molecule-receptor combinations (e.g. MFG-E8 and ␣ v integrins or Gas6 and Mer (12)), have been demonstrated. In many, bu...