Research aims to identify the most important artistic characteristics of composition in the realistic doctrine, identify the composing techniques of Giacomo Puccini by analyzing his works in the field of opera, especially how he formulated and employed the realistic doctrine in the opera "Madame Butterfly".The researcher followed the descriptive analytical method on a sample that included E Izaghi e Izanami, sarundasico, Questa e la cameriera from the opera " Madame Butterfly "by the author" Giacomo Puccini", the researcher dealt with the theoretical framework of the study the art of الع ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ دد 33 ج 2 يناير ـر ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ شه .. 2224 م النوعية الرتبية جماالت يف عربية حبوث
336opera, the historical development of opera art, the distraction of romanticism, the real school, the artistic life of the author Giacomo Puccini, the most important features his style of composition.The results of the first sample e Izaghi e Izanami, sarundasico resulted in realistic features in the composition; where "Suzuki" and "butterfly" carry feelings of anxiety, fear and bewilderment, waiting for Pinkerton to come, both pray to God, and begin a musical introduction expressing the dramatic situation of the events, Puccini used simple rhythms in it:,,,, quickly Allegretto Mosso, Suzuki also performs a melody of a religious character using the pentatonic ladder.The results of the second sample, Questa e la cameriera, revealed the realistic features of the composition, where Suzuki expresses her feelings of anxiety and fear for her Lady, "Madame Butterfly", from her relationship with "Pinkerton", which violates Japanese Customs and religious beliefs.