BackgroundAyurveda (an ancient Indian system of medicine) has had a long history traceable to the Vedas (oldest Sanskrit literature originating in ancient India) whose age is regarded of late as about 10,000years back approximately. Maharshi Bhela was a direct disciple of 'Acharya Punarvasu Atreya' (the great preceptor/progenitor of Ayurveda) and colleague of Maharshi Agnivesha, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita and Ksharapani. 'Maharshi Bhela' has composed an Ayurvedic treatise known as 'Bhela samhita' (1000 -2000 BC) which consists 120 chapters divided among 8 sections. Arrangement of the contents of 'Bhela samhita' is similar to that of 'Charaka samhita'. Bhela samhita has a number of unique concepts and vast majority of scientific literature that were neglected and unexplored till date. 1