Ferroic glasses (strain glass, relaxor and cluster spin glass) refer to frozen disordered states in ferroic systems; they are conjugate states to the long-range ordered ferroic states-the ferroic crystals. Ferroic glasses exhibit unusual properties that are absent in ferroic crystals, such as slim hysteresis and gradual property changes over a wide temperature range. In addition to ferroic glasses and ferroic crystals, a third ferroic state, a glass-ferroic (i.e., a composite of ferroic glass and ferroic crystal), can be produced by the crystallization transition of ferroic glasses. It can have a superior property not possessed by its two components. These three classes of ferroic materials (ferroic crystal, ferroic glass and glass-ferroic) correspond to three transitions (ferroic phase transition, ferroic glass transition and crystallization transition of ferroic glass, respectively), as demonstrated in a generic temperature vs. defectconcentration phase diagram. Moreover, through constructing a phase field model, the microstructure evolution of three transitions and the phase diagram can be reproduced, which reveals the important role of point defects in the formation of ferroic glass and glass-ferroic. The phase diagram can be used to design various ferroic glasses and glass-ferroics that may exhibit unusual properties. 1 are a generic name for ferromagnets, ferroelectrics, and ferroelastics, as well as very recently reported ferrotoroidics.2 They originate from a disorder-order ferroic phase transition at a critical temperature (T c ) and have a long-range ordering of magnetic moment in ferromagnets, electric dipole in ferroelectrics, or lattice strain in ferroelastics below T c (ref. 1). The ordering or symmetry-breaking leads to degenerate states of equivalent domains with the same free energy but different orientations, and in order to minimize the internal energy ferroics naturally possess a multi-domain configuration. Under the external stimuli (such as magnetic/electric/mechanical field, temperature), they exhibit many technologically important phenomena such as a hysteresis loop (a switching behavior between different domains) and magnetic/electric/mechanical strain coupling, and have a wide range of applications as memory devices, actuators, sensors, transduces, etc.1,3-7 However, because of the first-order nature, 1,3-9 the hysteresis is usually quite large especially in ferroelastics and ferroelectrics, 3-7 leading to energy loss and fatigue issues. Moreover, a normal ferroic transition renders many of the interesting properties of ferroic crystals (e.g., superelasticity) that are achievable only in a narrow temperature window around the transition temperature. In this review, we show other two classes of ferroic materials: ferroic glass and glassferroic. The former has unique properties that overcome these drawbacks in the ferroic crystal, whereas the latter can exhibit some superior property combination of its two components. Furthermore, experimental and simulated results have revealed a generic...