The thermodynamic and superfluid properties of the dilute twodimensional binary Bose mixture at low temperatures are discussed. We also considered the problem of the emergence of the long-range order in these systems. All calculations are performed by means of celebrated Popov's pathintegral approach for the Bose gas with a short-range interparticle potential.Keywords two-dimensional Bose mixtures · superfluid properties · offdiagonal long-range orderThe spatial dimensionality plays a crucial role in the behavior of interacting many-boson systems. Perhaps, the most exciting phase diagram is obtained in the two-dimensional case (for review, see [1,2]), where the ground-state Bose condensate state [3,4,5,6,7,8] is altered by the low-temperature Beresinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase with the characteristic power-law [9] decay of the one-particle density matrix. To describe these systems appropriately one needs to extend [10] the standard approach with the separated condensate and to use the phase-density formulation [11], renormalization-group [12,13,14,15, 16,17] or the effective field-theoretic [18,19] treatments. Particularly Popov's theory allows to find out the low-energy structure of one-particle Green's functions [20] and improved version of this approach [21,22] which takes into account phase fluctuations exactly is capable to explain [23] experiments with two-dimensional Bose gases. In contrast to the two-dimensional Bose systems