It is shown that nanoparticles made of low Tc superconductors have large diamagnetic response at temperatures several orders of magnitude above Tc. Most features of the recently observed Giant diamagnetism of Au nanorods are explained in terms of superconducting fluctuations, except for the huge magnitude of the effect.PACS numbers: 73.23. Ra,74.25.Bt Very recently [1], a novel nanoscale effect-a large average diamagnetic susceptibility of rod-shaped, down to ten-nanometer scale, gold nanoparticles-has been discovered experimentally. Such a susceptibility should be due to persistent currents [2] flowing in these nanoparticles in response to a magnetic field. In fact, Ref. [3] proposed an explanation of this effect in terms of the persistent currents flowing on the surfaces of these nanoparticles in response to the magnetic flux, using a model of ballistic, noninteracting electrons. According to Refs [1,3], the effect of Ref.[1] is intrinsic to the metal, and not due to chemical interactions with a capping layer.The experience [2,4,5] in explaining such mesoscopic currents shows however, that just finite-size effects due to noninteracting electrons fall short in explaining them both in sign and in magnitude. The reason being the alternating sign of the response as function of the azimuthal quantum number. This yields a persistent current whose sign varies from sample to sample (due to disorder, and/or to minute changes in, say, the sample's radius). The resulting average over an ensemble of many samples becomes very small. In fact, this average is on the order of the level spacing [5], while the required persistent current [3] is of the order of the Thouless energy. The ratio of the latter to the former is on the order of several hundreds for a compact nano-particle with a linear size 10nm and a comparable mean free path [6]. Therefore, electron-electron interactions must be invoked to give the current a definite sign and to account for the average current [2,[7][8][9]. The diamagnetic sign of the response demands attractive interactions, as in a superconductor.This work is motivated by the above experimental results, but we believe that this study leads to a much more general insight: as may be expected on general grounds, the effect of fluctuations increases with decreasing sample size. On the nanoscale, especially in superconductors with their large coherence lengths, fluctuations may become dominant over the averages!.The model we use here, invokes superconducting fluctuations, much above T c , of the conduction electrons. We state from the outset that, for gold, it gives "only" about an order of magnitude increase of the susceptibility compared to χ L (the Landau diamagnetic susceptibility of the conduction electrons). The results of Ref.[1] are three orders of magnitude above χ L . Thus, they are just an example and provide motivation. Although the strength of superconducting fluctuations at such high temperatures is a truly general and remarkable phenomenon, and it otherwise explains all other features ...