Background: Giant ovarian tumors are now rarely encountered, because of the wide availability of medical care, and most cases are benign. Case: A rare case of a giant ovarian cystadenoma in a 41-year-old woman, with such severe abdominal distension that she could not walk, is reported. Her abdominal girth was 141 cm. The patient was 151 cm tall and weighed 92.6 kg. Computed tomography (CT) showed a large, multilocular, cystic tumor that occupied the whole abdomen. The preoperative diagnosis was malignant ovarian tumor or ovarian cystadenoma. Results: On laparotomy, gradual intraoperative drainage of the tumor was first performed over 2 hours, and then total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was performed successfully. Pathologic findings confirmed that the tumor was a mucinous cystadenoma. Conclusions: There is a lack of evidence on how to manage such giant tumors in the perioperative period; however, in the present case, intraoperative drainage and tumor resection were safely performed without complications. ( J GYNECOL SURG 28:215)