Isoscalar giant resonances in 92,96,98,100 Mo have been studied with inelastic scattering of 240 MeV α particles at small angles including 0 o . A significant fraction of the EWSR was found for isoscalar E0 (107%, 105%, 103%, 110%), E1(71%, 71%, 70%, 55%), E2( 73%, 69%, 85%, 79%) and high energy octupole E3(52%, 65%, 61%, 53%) resonances in 92,96,98,100 Mo, respectively. Spherical Hartree-Fock-based random-phase approximation calculations were made for each multipole using the KDE0v1 Skyrme-type effective interaction and the results are compared to the experimental distributions. PACS number(s): 25.55. Ci,24.30.Cz,27.60.+j